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Optimizing prenatal care with ultrasound for primary care

Menurunkan angka kematian Ibu dan bayi dengan prediksi dan deteksi yang tepat


Invest your learning journey with @prenatal.institute course program,
book your seat now, don’t wait untill you miss the opportunity❗️

Hands on limited participant only

Want to improve your skills or are you just getting interested in basic antenatal care ultrasound?

Indonesia Prenatal institute proudly present a webinar and 2 days of hands on sessions with practical point to improve daily practice.

Tutors are Board Certified Obstetricians, this training is IPI’s CME certified.

Tap our profile and follow @prenatal.indonesia for more details and book your seat!

or simply register yourself with this link👇🏼


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Kategori Earlybird Reguler
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