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Repair of 2nd Degree Lacerations

Repair of 2nd Degree Lacerations


This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of "Repair of 2nd Degree Lacerations" and how to manage them effectively.

In this course, you will learn through animations and clinical videos with real patients. Our aim is to provide you with hands-on experience and a better understanding of the procedures involved in diagnosing, suturing, and healing second-degree tears.

There will be 8 modules in this course with total of 1.5 hours durations:
1. Introduction
2. Preparation
3. Diagnostics
4. Establishing An Overview
5. Mixed Method
6. Continuous Suturing
7. Rectovaginal Fascia
8. Follow Up

Bidang Keilmuan


Kategori Earlybird Reguler
Dokter Umum 231.000 (Earlybird) 231.000 (Reguler)