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Basic of Wound Management & Fundamentals of Wound Care

Basic of Wound Management & Fundamentals of Wound Care


Apa yang akan Anda pelajari:

Modul 1. Anatomy and Physiology of Wound Healing from Cellular to Clinical Implications
Modul 2. Types of Wound and Keys of Successful Wound Healing
Modul 3. Assessing the Wound and Formulating Care Plan
Modul 4. Deeper Understanding on Wound Bed Preparation Concept: The TIMERS Framework and its Clinical Application
Modul 5. Wound Cleansers and Antiseptics from Cellular to Clinical Implications
Modul 6. Debridement Techniques, Modalities, and Clinical Guidelines
Modul 7. Modern Dressing Types and Evidence Based Practice

Bidang Keilmuan


Kategori Earlybird Reguler
Dokter Umum 500.000 (Earlybird) 500.000 (Reguler)