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Pre Conference Workshop “Prescribing Wellness from the Nature”

WONCA (World Organization of Family Doctors) Asia Pacific December 5-7, 2022

The Stones Hotel, Bali

with IDI accreditation
for Family physician (SpKKLP), Others specialist doctor, Doctor (General practitioner/Medical doctor), Internship doctor, Co-asst doctor, Medical student

which will be held on :
Monday, December 5, 2022
8.00-12.00 WITA (local time)
at The Stones Hotel, Bali

dr. Trevino Aristarkus Pakasi, PhD, SpKKLP
dr. Ernawati, SpKKLP
dr. Basuki Rahmat, SpJP(K)
Dr. dr. Susilorini, MSi.Med, SpPA
dr. Kenansa Anjani Natasha Sylva


No. Rekening Bank Mandiri :
106 05 5933388 8
An. Perhimpunan Dokter Keluarga Indonesia - WONCA APRC Bali

For more information and payment confirmation:
+62813-2663-5442 (dr. Yuanita)
+62856-9451-9490 (dr. Mirza)

#wonca #woncaaprc #woncaaprc2022 #woncabali #preconferencewonca #wonca2022 #prescribingwellness #peresepanwellness #familymedicine #specialist #familyphysician #bali #medical #wellness #workshop #workshopdokterkeluarga #workshopbali #workshopdecember #workshop2022 #SKPIDI #workshopdoctor #workshopdokter

Bidang Keilmuan


Kategori Earlybird Reguler
Dokter Spesialist, Dokter Umum, Dokter Internship, Medical Student 500.000 (Earlybird) 500.000 (Reguler)