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Kursus penyegaran dan Penambah Ilmu Anastesia

The Wisdom Of Facing Global Development Of Anesthesia: The Hi-Tech, High Cost And “Low Risk”?

Hotel Java Paragon, Surabaya


About the KPPIA
The Wisdom Of Facing Global Development Of Anesthesia: The Hi-Tech, High Cost And “Low Risk”?

KPPIA, as obligatory education program, will be conducted for the 6th this year. As one of the obligatory program to all members of Perdatin in 5 years, based on the P2KB Perdatin, will reserve as a condition in extending process of the doctor's practice permit.

Bidang Keilmuan


Kategori Earlybird Reguler
Spesialis Anastesi 4.500.000 (Earlybird) 4.500.000 (Reguler)