Event ini adalah agenda yang telah lalu.

The 5th Congress of International Society on Minimally Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery (ISMINS)

Minimally Invasive Surgery in 21st Century


SAVE THE DATE for the upcoming Congress
September 10th - 12th, 2021

Virtual Conference & Exhibition (VirConEx)

"The 5th Congress of International Society on Minimally Invasive Techniques in Neurosurgery (ISMINS)"

Theme: Minimally Invasive Surgery in 21st Century

Main Topics:
✓ Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
✓ Endovascular Neurosurgery
✓ Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery
✓ Cranial Endoscopic Surgery
✓ Cranial Keyhole Surgery
✓Endoscopic Spine Surgery
✓ CNS Radiosurgery
✓ Pain Management

Contact us:
🖱️ Klik Form Pendaftaran
📧 ismins2021@pharma-pro.com
🧑‍🦰Ms. Ririen
Phone: +62 811-1609-822

Bidang Keilmuan


Kategori Earlybird
(02 Agustus 2021)
Specialis 2.000.000 (Earlybird) 2.500.000 (Reguler)