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Outpatient Pain Management in High Prevalence Case

Diperuntukkan bagi dokter yang ingin mempelajari tentang nyeri lebih mendalam.


Pain management in pain medicine is not an exclusive set of skills of pain specialist. Every physician must reach certain level of skills and knowledge.
Non pain intervention physician don't do invasive therapy but that doesn't mean it is not necessary to improve skills to alleviate patient pain.
4NIP Courses is made to help multi-dicipline physician to develop their pain management skills.
GP and specialist doctors are welcome to join with us.
Whatsapp contact for registration : +62 811 223 839

Bidang Keilmuan


Kategori Earlybird Reguler
Indonesian 3.000.000 (Earlybird) 3.500.000 (Reguler)
International 300 (Earlybird) 350 (Reguler)