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The 5th ICE on IMERI

The New Normal of Medical Care and Education in Resource-Limited Settings: COVID-19 and Beyond


ICE on IMERI is IMERI FKUI's annual international conference, consisting of pre-symposium workshops, symposium, and free paper (oral presentation) session. The event will be held on November 7-10, 2020, virtually.

This year our theme is "The New Normal of Medical Care and Education in Resource-Limited Settings: COVID-19 and Beyond", but you can submit articles or interesting case reports about any topic.

This event is SKP IDI acrredited and open to all healthcare workers and students all over Indonesia.

Specialist: IDR 300k
GP: 200k
Students: 100k
To register for the symposium, visit http://imeri-ic.ui.ac.id/registration

Bidang Keilmuan


Kategori Earlybird Reguler
Specialist 300.000 (Earlybird) 300.000 (Reguler)
General Practitioner 200.000 (Earlybird) 200.000 (Reguler)
Undergraduate Students 100.000 (Earlybird) 100.000 (Reguler)
Other Profession 200.000 (Earlybird) 200.000 (Reguler)